www.theinformationalfact.blogspot.com Third Wave in India.

Third Wave in India.

Director of CSIR-Institute Anurag Aggrawal said that, the third wave of Covid-19 has not yet hit India and we are still in the late phase of second wave. He also said that the second wave reached the northeast part little late and spread very slowly in Kerla. 

Third wave unlikely to be as severe as second'

Dr. Jugal Kishore, head of the community medicine department, said a second wave-like spike is not expected unless a new variant emerges. 

The Delta variant of coronavirus was one factor which is responsible for up to 60% of the cases during the second wave, and their is no major difference between 'Delta' and 'Delta Plus' variant. So their is less chance of sudden spike in covid-19 until new variant emerges.

After failed to adequately in the preparation for the second wave of covid-19 pandemic, Government, officials and health department are now threating the people time to time for the possibility of a third wave. Principal Scientific Advisor K Vijay Raghavan calling the third wave "inevitable", he also advised that the third wave can be avoided through taking "strong measures" and precautions.

Increase vaccination.

An Expert panel has advised government to increase and speed up the vaccination. ANI, one of the experts in the government authorized panel, it has suggested government to increase vaccination and stick to non-pharmacological interventions for example Covid-19 appropriate behavior, like wearing mask, social distancing and creation of containment zone, so that spreading of Covid-19 can be stopped.

So please wear mask to avoid another wave of Covid-19.

And please vaccinate yourself as soon as possible.

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